Sunday 19 October 2014

Five things I'm looking forward to

As the days get shorter and the nights draw in, it can sometimes be difficult to stay in a positive frame of mind.  During the summer, you have days of sunshine and time to relax outside after a day at work.  During the winter, it's almost as if everyone holes themselves up after 6pm, and understandably so as the temperature drops and the days shorten.

Although I do like our contrasting seasons, I sometimes fall into the autumnal or wintery cycle of go to work - sleep - go to work.  I like to give myself little things to look forward to during these colder times of the year (I'm going to try and leave out the big December C word... for now!).

#1 Bonfire Night.  What's not to love about Bonfire Night?  A great British tradition that's steeped in history.  For me, Bonfire Night is a great opportunity to get together, wrap up in your scarf, hat, gloves, don those welly boots and watch a mediocre fire work display in a school playing field.  Everyone is in good spirits and is a perfect excuse to start eating wintery comfort food... Stews, sausages, root vegetables... Yum!  

#2 Jumpers.  A simple pleasure but for me, it's extremely satisfying to snuggle in an oversized jumper and a comfy pair of jeans.  No more goose pimply arms or not knowing whether to take a cardigan or jacket, from now on, I will have as much skin as possible covered up!

#3 Satsumas.  I know we can pretty much get any fruit or vegetable all year round now but I love it when wintery fruits and vegetables come into season (minus swede, parsnips and sprouts.. eurgh.) and satsumas really make me feel wintery, and they are so cheap at the moment.  A great way to stave off all those winter illnesses too!

#4 Autumnal sunsets (and the chance to see a sunrise that's not at 5am!).  Autumnal sunsets are beautiful, the past couple of evenings, the sky seemed to be full of burnt oranges, blood reds and the night draws in an intense black.  The colours seem more vivid and intense and the light throws spectacular shadows and fascinating silhouettes,  Beautiful!

#5 The weather.  This may seem like an odd one:  I haven't experienced a British winter in a while now and I still haven't forgotten the relentless heat of Mexico so I'm looking forward to being tucked away inside the house when it's windy and rainy outside, curling up with a hot drink and a good book.  Fingers crossed the snow holds off for a while longer...

What are you looking forward to?  

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