Friday 16 January 2015

Five things I'm looking forward to : take two.

I really enjoyed writing my last "Five things I'm looking forward to" post, even if it was ages ago, as it made me realise I have so many positive and exciting things coming my way and not to wish my time away!  Here we have another five things I'm excited for in the upcoming weeks:

1.  Disneyland Paris
When this post goes live, I'll probably be on my way to Disneyland, Paris!  The Paris Disney parks were the first ones I ever visited and they'll always hold a special place in my heart.  I last went in June 2013 and had such a fantastic time and I'm hoping it'll be just as magical this time round.  There's seven of us going and it'll be the first time my five year old nephew will have visited Disney.  It'll be a completely different trip to what I'm used to as I'm usually pretty organised when it comes to knowing which rides to hit etc but this time, I'm going to go with the flow and enjoy seeing the magic through a small child's eyes.  I do really want to meet Anna and Elsa though!

2.  Benefit Make Up Lesson
I love buying high end make up; I love how luxurious it feels and how it's a real treat when I go and buy it.  However, I'm pretty rubbish at applying it; I never really know what I'm doing and I don't think I get the most of out my products.  Luckily for me, I got given a Red Letter Day experience of a Benefit Make Up Lesson at the Carnaby Street store for Christmas!  This combined with an overnight stay in London in a beautiful hotel and eating Mexican food means it's set to be a pretty special couple of days! I can't wait!

3.  Swan Lake ballet
A couple of days before heading to London for my make up lesson, I'm heading up the road to watch the Swan Lake ballet in Norwich.  I've never seen any ballets but when Dena said she wanted to go, I got us tickets.  I'm sure I'll get dance envy watching the amazing ballerinas but it'll be so nice to do something different.  I'm sure a visit to Jamie's Italian will be on the cards too.

4.  Spring
Okay, so it's probably still a long way off but I'm really not a fan of this wintery weather (and it's not even that cold!).  I hate having to defrost my car in the morning, not being able to move in my coat because I'm wearing so many layers and having permanently cold fingers and toes.  I'm looking forward to the lighter mornings and seeing everything looking fresh, green, and new again.  I've probably just got to get through a couple of spells of snow first though, right?

5.  Eating pizza.
This may seem like a strange one but I haven't eaten a slice of pizza for over a year.  It's not even that pizza is my favourite food  but my gallstones have stopped me eating anything naughty really and sometimes all you really, really want to do is eat pizza.  My operation to have my gallbladder removed is imminent and once I've recovered from surgery, I'm going to eat all the naughty things I've deprived myself of, without feeling guilty.  Hurrah!

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